Share Your Faith Like a Pro Acts 17:16-34 Title – Alternate Gothic No.2 BT UPPERCASE Subtitle – TexGyreAdventor Regular
Share Your Faith Like a Pro Acts 17:16-34 Title – Alternate Gothic No.2 BT UPPERCASE Subtitle – TexGyreAdventor Regular
To Share Your Faith Like a Pro Cultivate compassion, not anger or apathy Pray for it “There but for the grace of God go I” 1 Timothy 1:15 …Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. Montserrat available in the font folder to download.
To Share Your Faith Like a Pro Cultivate compassion, not anger or apathy Focus on Jesus Jesus died for our sins and rose from the dead So we can have eternal life if we simply believe Montserrat available in the font folder to download.
To Share Your Faith Like a Pro Cultivate compassion, not anger or apathy Focus on Jesus Really get to know people Be ready to give evidence Montserrat available in the font folder to download.
To Share Your Faith Like a Pro Cultivate compassion, not anger or apathy Focus on Jesus Really get to know people Be ready to give evidence Define success correctly Montserrat available in the font folder to download.
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