Reflection Why are you here today?
Establishing and Understanding Akhlaq in Madressa LO: 1) To be able to understand the importance of akhlaq in Madressa. 2) To agree on rules set for Madressa. LO:
Lets get to know each other Game- 2 truths and 1 lie
Introduce yourself Share a bit about yourself. Why are you here today? What is your goal for this year?
What is the purpose for being at Madressa? Prepare for the coming of the twelfth Imam To help equip ourselves with knowledge when faced by non Muslims To gain knowledge of history- Where we have come from, where we’re going To incorporate teachings into our daily lives To gain understanding of the purpose for our religious practices
Our classroom contract What qualities would an ideal pupil have? What rules are important to follow? What classroom etiquette is necessary? How can we work together to make the time we have at Madressa most meaningful?
What does Akhlaq mean? Why is it so important in Islam? Why is it so necessary for Muslims?
Create an ‘ideal’ set of rules Look at the section on Akhlaq in your manual Highlight the most important information In your group create an ideal set of rules
In groups: Decide the THREE most important rules Your rules need to be fair and achieveable.
Lets share our class rules Which rules are the most important? What happens if we break these rules? Sign the rules if you agree
Plenary Think of one rule you will find the hardest to follow.
Personal Reflection Write a statement in your activity book stating that you will make a conscious effort to adhere to the rule you are struggling with. Make the statement a promise to the most important person in your life. E.g I promise Imam Mehdi I will try not to call out in class.