Average Work Week of Persons Who Usually Work Full-time (1995) Rones et al., (April 1997) Hours of work since the mid-70s. Monthly Labor Review, p. 7 Men 25-54 years (all races/ethnicities): 44.9 hours Women 25-54 years (all races/ethnicities): 41.0 hours White/Euro-American men (16 years +): 44.8 hours Black/African-America men (16 years +): 42.3 hours Hispanic men (16 hears +): 42.4 hours White/Euro-American women (16 years +): 40.9 hours Black/African-America women (16 years +): 40.1hours Hispanic women (16 hears +): 39.9 hours
% Employees Working 49 Hours + Rones et al % Employees Working 49 Hours + Rones et al., (April 1997) Hours of work since the mid-70s. Monthly Labor Review, p. 7