IPC Motion Reveiw.


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Presentation transcript:

IPC Motion Reveiw

What is Velocity. Velocity is a vector, it has magnitude and direction What is Velocity? Velocity is a vector, it has magnitude and direction. It is speed with direction What is its formulas? distance/time Units? m/s

What is acceleration? Change in velocity, speeding up or slowing down What is its formulas? A= (Vf-Vi)/t Units? m/s²

What is distance? Total distance traveled What is displacement? Distance from origin Units?m

What is a vector? Velocity is a vector, it has magnitude and direction What is a scalar? Has only magnitude no direction. Speed. Examples? Speed= scalar Velocty= vector

If vi=12.8 m/s and vf=22 m/s, and t=11.7 secs, what is a?

A Car travels for 2. 0 hours covering a distance of 150 kilometers A Car travels for 2.0 hours covering a distance of 150 kilometers. What is the average speed of the car?

A man runs at a speed of 5. 0 meters per second A man runs at a speed of 5.0 meters per second. What distance does the man cover in 25 seconds?

You are walking to a friend’s house. The house is 4. 0 kilometers away You are walking to a friend’s house. The house is 4.0 kilometers away. You know that you can walk at a speed of 1.5 kilometers per hour. How long will it take you to get to your friends house?

You are driving South on 249 to downtown Houston which is 22 miles away. If it takes you 0.75 Hours to get there, what is your average VELOCITY? V= d/t V= 22/.75 V=29m/h

A Bobsled team crossed the halfway mark in 3 seconds going 32. 5 m/s A Bobsled team crossed the halfway mark in 3 seconds going 32.5 m/s. How far have they traveled?

. A truck driver covers 250 km in 2 hours. What is his speed? S=d/t S= 250km/2 h S=125km/h

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