A very brief mark scheme… Level 1 Basic Identifies factor (can do as many as you want) Statement – does not answer the question Level 2 simple One explanation (simple because its mono-casual) – ‘one reason for everything…’ Level 3 developed Two or more explained identified factors Low level 3 – one explained factor, one identified
Significance means – important, memorable, brought change, lasting effect, unique etc. (something can also be classed as significant if it prevented change!) Command word Focal point of the question Explain the significance of the work of Pare in the development of medicine. (8 marks) Number of marks tells me that at least 2 aspects of significance must be discussed Topic
Explain the significance of the work of Pare in the development of medicine. (8 marks) Level Descriptor Mark Level 1 Basic explanation of aspect(s) of significance Answer demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question. Candidates identify aspect(s) of significance, which are relevant to the question. No Explanation at this level. 1-2 Level 2 Simple explanation of one aspect of significance Answer demonstrates specific knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question. Candidates may progress from a basic explanation of significance by simple reasoning of one of the identified aspects, supported by factual knowledge and understanding. 3-4 Level 3 Developed explanation of aspects of significance Answer demonstrates specific knowledge and understanding that is relevant to the question. Extends Level 2. Candidates may progress from a simple explanation of significance with developed reasoning considering two or more aspects of significance. 5-6 Level 4 Complex explanation of aspects of significance Extends Level 3. Candidates may progress from a developed explanation of significance by explaining the relationship between aspects of significance, for example over time. 7-8 Lots of knowledge but no explanation only gives you 2 marks Significance of one aspect identified and explained = level 2 Two or more explained aspects = level 3 Complex explanation = Short and long-term Analysis of limitations Explanation of how aspects are linked