Outcome Measure Decision Tree Can patient be safely transferred to EOB? No Perform muscle strength testing in bed only. Testing is complete. Score reason code 1 for remaining assessments. Yes Can patient be safely transferred to a chair? Perform muscle strength testing at EOB. Perform muscle strength testing in a chair. Can patient stand with or without assistance? Score reason code 1 for remaining assessments. Testing is complete. Without assistance Complete MOS and 30 sec STS. With assistance Can patient perform MOS? Attempt 2MWT. Attempt MOS if safe/appropriate. Perform 30sec STS. Legend EOB = edge of bed MOS= marching on the spot STS= sit to stand 2MWT= 2 minute walk test *** Should there be a separate reason code or should code 1 read: Pt unable/assessor perceives unable No Score reason code 1 for remaining assessments. Testing is complete.