English III - Vocabulary Lesson 11 ambivalent interminable beneficent intrepid betrothed repugnant congenital sallow consensus sortie
ambivalent Adjective Having mixed feelings or unconcerned; unsure
beneficent Adjective Kind; charitable
betrothed Adjective - Engaged to be married Noun – a person who is engaged to be married
congenital Adjective Inborn; present at birth
consensus Noun A general agreement or opinion
interminable Adjective Endless; long; indefinite
intrepid Adjective Brave; resolute; courageous
repugnant Adjective Repulsive; disgusting
sallow Adjective Grayish yellowish in color; sickly pale
sortie Noun A sudden attack (usually military)
English III - Vocabulary Lesson 12 adamant frustrate antagonize peremptory archives procrastinate autocrat resilient factious supplication
adamant Adjective Unyielding; certain; absolute
antagonize Verb Oppose or counteract; make angry
archives Noun - a place for public records Verb – to keep or store public records
autocrat Noun A dictator; a sole ruler
factious Adjective Causing dissent or disputes
frustrate Verb To prevent from happening; to discourage
peremptory Adjective Absolute; not allowing argument
procrastinate Verb To put off; to delay
resilient Adjective Flexible; able to bounce back
supplication Noun act of asking humbly