Mindless Eating Mini-Experiment By Jillian Wright, Tatum Newton, Madison Lockamy
1. Describe the topic and of the mini research study. We conducted a observational study at Chick-fil-a. We observed the first 10 people who walked in to buy food. We asked people after they went though the checkout line, if they had ordered fries or fruit with their meal.
2. Why is researching the particular topic and research relevant to the general population? We believe that the fast food industry has created a society that doesn’t always think about the healthier option. While the easier option is a side of fries, not only because it is the default side but because its advertised with the meal, that doesn’t mean its the only thing offered.
3. Who was studied? #1: college age female #2: college age female #3: college age male #4: college age female #5: college age female #6: college age male #7: college age male #8: college age male #9: college age female #10: college age male
4. What was the hypothesis? If the costumers default side is fries, then most people will not ask for fruit.
5. State the study’s methods. We went to Chick-fil-a, and recored the first 10 people who went through the checkout line. We asked each of the 10 customers whether they had gotten fries or fruit as their side. I recorded the gender and age of all the participants.
6. What were the findings of the research? #1: Ordered fries #2: Ordered fries #3: Ordered fries #4: Ordered fruit #5: Ordered fries #6: Ordered fries #7: Ordered fries #8: Ordered fries #9: Ordered fruit #10: Ordered fries
Were results similar throughout the subject tested? The results are very similar throughout the different people we observed. We believe that the results were similar because most people accepted fries as a side.
Did the findings match the hypothesis? Yes, our findings matched the hypothesis. The results showed that most people were content with getting the fries, instead of asking for the healthy choice of fruit.
What observations/options can you make regarding the results about the Longwood University population? We can conclude that the student at Longwood University have forgotten about the different side options with meals. We can conclude that people enjoy fries more then fruit cups.
How can these results help to change “Mindless Eating”? These results can show students that they have other/healthier options to serve themselves. These results can also show students take the easier route while ordering food.