Jason And The Golden Fleece Retold By: Kial, Evan, & Justin
Jason entered the village to go to King Pelias to reclaim his father’s throne. King Pelias sent Jason on a quest to retrieve the golden fleece from the King of Colchis in order to become King of Lolcus.
To get to the island of Colchis, Jason and the master ship builder created a ship called Argo and the crew members Argonauts.
Once Jason arrived at Colchis, he went to the King’s Palace Once Jason arrived at Colchis, he went to the King’s Palace. The king refused to give him the Golden Fleece. Unless Jason killed two fire-breathing bulls, plant all the dragon teeth the king gave him, then slay all the undead warriors as they appear.
Jason prayed to the gods. Hera listened and took pity on him Jason prayed to the gods. Hera listened and took pity on him. Hera got Eros , the god of love, to shoot arrows into the heart of Medea, daughter of the king.
Medea gave Jason a magic charm to turn the warriors on to each other and some magic salve to protect the fire from his body.
At midnight Jason put the magic salve on his body and approached the fire-breathing bulls. Jason strapped the bulls to the plow and as the plow spread across the grassland, Jason planted the dragon teeth.
A few seconds after he planted the dragon teeth undead warriors crawled out the ground and fought Jason. Despite Jason’s brave attempt the warriors quickly proved their dominance. He puts the charm on the warriors and the warriors fight to the death onto each other.
Medea told Jason that she could help him get the Golden Fleece only if he let her return with him to the kingdom and Jason accepted. Medea dropped a small amount of sleeping potion on the dragon’s head. Jason quickly grabbed the fleece and sprinted to the ship Argo.
Jason sailed back to Lolcus Jason sailed back to Lolcus. King Pelias heard that Jason had arrived and did not let him in the kingdom. Medea got so mad that she tricked King Pelias’ daughters into killing their father.
The civilians of Lolcus became mad at Medea because of her evil acts The civilians of Lolcus became mad at Medea because of her evil acts. Jason felt the same way too so as King of Lolcus, Jason forced Medea to get out of his kingdom.
Jason was sitting beside his ship, the Argo, when a very strong wind blew over the ship a part of the ship broke off and fell on Jason. Jason died immediately.
Zeus sent Jason’s ship into the skies to honor Jason’s bravery Zeus sent Jason’s ship into the skies to honor Jason’s bravery. The constellation was named Argo.