SILA HANTARKAN PENYERTAAN ANDA KE : Peraduan Photo Shoot MERDEKA RAYA Hantar penyertaan anda SEBELUM 13.9.2011 !!!!!!!!! SILA HANTARKAN PENYERTAAN ANDA KE : Syarat penyertaan : Terbuka kepada Warga MMC sahaja TEMA: SYOKNYEEE RAYA MERDEKA Peserta dibenarkan menghantar max 3 keping gambar sahaja. Gambar yang dihantar mestilah berukuran 4R (Hardcopy shj) Pengadilan akan mengambil kira kreativiti dan keaslian gambar. Please leave us a 5 star rating if you love this free template! Welcome to Super Easy Templates: This is an 8 x 11 Islamic / Muslim themed PowerPoint design slide. We provide easy-to-use and customize templates for home and business use. Most of our templates are for PowerPoint 2007 and Word 2007. If you are interested in additional templates, visit our website: You can download additional designs for .99 cents! If you require technical support on this specific presentation, email us: Also, check the Microsoft forums for specialized assistance. Although we try to respond to all support requests, please realize that this is a free service and we cannot guarantee a timely response. All questions and answers are usually posted on our FAQ pages. Hantarkan gambar2 yang menarik kepada CIK LAILI di Bilik N105 . Sila sertakan butiran lanjut dibelakang gambar: Nama: Unit/Program: No kp: No Tel: