Focusing on what matters Fast-growing target areas for unit-based teams 1,821 +300% 1,339 +82% Unit-based teams initiated more than 4,300 performance improvement projects in 2011, in every point of the Value Compass: service, quality, affordability and best place to work. As teams develop, they are focusing more and more on areas of prime importance to patients and members. This chart shows the number of projects UBTs are working on in four key areas, and the percentage increase in projects in each area, as of December 2011. The fastest growing focus area is patient safety, growing by 300%. Starting from a small number of projects in 2010, teams are ramping up this work as they gain proficiency in problem-solving and performance improvement techniques. Affordability of care, which is important not only to KP members and patients but to the whole U.S. health care system, is also a major goal for UBTs. Tests of change in this arena – including things like supply costs and operational efficiency – increased by 82% in 2011. Next comes prevention and chronic disease management, with a 41% increase. Another member- and patient- centered area of growth (and the one with the greatest total number of projects) is service excellence. Teams launched more than 1,800 service improvement projects in 2011 – a 36% increase from 2010. +41% 580 319 +36% 100 247 25 146 Patient Safety Affordability Prevention & Chronic Disease Service Excellence Source: UBT Tracker