Organizing a distribution in the US: Problems faced by the foreign exporter International Distribution Institute IDI/ICC Joint Conference, Amsterdam, June 17,2011 Maria Angela Briccola, Brics S.p.A, Italy Valentina Maglio, Lavazza S.p.A, Italy Jeffrey Brimer, Faegre & Benson LLP, USA Marco Hero, TIGGES, Germany
Establishing Business in the US incorporating an entity in the U.S. Organizing a Distribution in the US: The problems faced by the foreign exporter Establishing Business in the US incorporating an entity in the U.S. disclosure and registration requirements State vs. Federal law
II. Contracting with US Companies Production and Logistics in the U.S. Organizing a Distribution in the US: The problems faced by the foreign exporter II. Contracting with US Companies Production and Logistics in the U.S. Consignments Loans of Use Insolvency
III. Selling in the US Market Product liability Litigation Organizing a Distribution in the US: The problems faced by the foreign exporter III. Selling in the US Market Product liability Litigation Parallel imports
THANK YOU! Maria Angela Briccola, Brics S.p.A, Italy Valentina Maglio, Lavazza S.p.A, Italy Jeffrey Brimer, Faegre & Benson LLP, USA Marco Hero, TIGGES, Germany