StandardsScore Online Grading Tool
Opening Screen
First Login The first time you login, you may update your email address for teacher/program notifications. Select Quarter 1 from the drop-down menu.
First Login
Email Address Update Add your email address(es) to receive notifications. Click on the “Save” button. You will receive an email from “Verudix” to confirm the email address.
Class List View Assessments/assignments have not been added to classes with an NG listed. Clicking on hyperlink will show a snapshot of the assignments and grades.
Reports Three reports are available. Detail, Summary, or Standards
Reports - Detail Go back to list of classes List of all assessments and grades
Reports - Summary Student Average Assessment Weights
Reports - Standards Grade for individual assessments Standard Assessed Assignments where standards assessed Overall average for standard assessments
WebNotes Teachers and parents communicate using WebNotes. Similar to email, but program specific. WebNotes may be forwarded to parent email.
WebNotes Log off when finished