Unit Four in Summary (1) Activity Three: Activity Two: Skilled Workers Do It Yourself Activity One: Liu Li and Rachel’s Room Activity Four: Household Repairs Home Improvement Activity Six: Describing rooms Activity Five: Furniture Arrangement
Unit Four in Summary (2) Three main topics: 1. Arranging the furniture 2. Dealing with household problems 3. Describing a room
1. Arranging the furniture 1. Describing the furniture: adjectives: ugly, threadbare ... verbs: fold up, stack ... nouns: storage cubes, trunks ... 2. Arranging the furniture: propositions: against, beside ... making and responding to a suggestion
1. Arranging the furniture (in action) 1. Label each piece of furniture ORALLY. 2. Arrange the furniture according the layout below 3. Describe the arrangement to your partner. Your partner should arrange the furniture in their place according to your description. 4. Converse the role. 5. Class presentation. S
1. Arranging the furniture (in action)
2. Dealing with household problems 1. Describing a household problem: … is leaking There is something wrong with ... 2. Tackling a household problem: structure: have … done / do something verb: install, fix, replace … tools: pliers, screwdriver ... 3. Calling for domestic repair service
2. Dealing with household problems (in action) Watch a video clip and complete the following tasks: (Pair work) Make a list of things that need improvement and give reasons. (Pair work) Make a list of suggestions to deal with the problems. Class presentation.