A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth A Collection of Lutheran Music ‘Lutheran Service Book’ Edition Hymn #438 A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth Text: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-76 AN WASSERFLÜSSEN BABYLON Tune: Wolfgang Dachstein, c. 1487-1553 PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler www.LutheranMusic.com
#438 - A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth [1] A **** **** ************* forth, The ***** ** ******* bearing And, ***** **** *** **** ** earth, None **** *** ****** sharing; Goes ******* **, ***** **** *** faint, To ********* *** ******* complaint, That ******** **** ** offer, He ***** *** *******, *** ******, *** lies, The *******, *** *** replies, "All **** * ****** suffer."
#438 - A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth [2] This **** ** ******, *** ****'* ***** friend, The **** ** ***, *** Savior, Whom *** *** ****** ***** ** send To **** *** ** *** favor. "Go *****, ** ***," *** ****** said, "And **** ** ******** **** ***** dread Of ***** *** condemnation. The ***** *** ******* *** **** ** bear, But ** **** ******* **** **** share The ***** ** **** salvation."
#438 - A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth [3] "Yes, ******, ***, **** willingly I'll **** **** *** ******* Me. My **** ******** ** **** decree; I'll ** **** *** **** ***** Me." O ******** ****, **** **** *** done! The ****** ****** ** *** Son, Desiring *** salvation. O ****, *** ****** *** *** ** save! You *** *** *** **** *** grave Who ***** *** *****'* foundation.
#438 - A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth [4] Lord, **** **** ***** * ***** see And ***** **** *******'* pleasure, Your ***** ** ***** **** ***** be, My *** ****** *** measure! When * ****** ****** **** throne, Your ************* ***** ** ** crown; With ***** * **** *** **** me. And *****, ** ******** ****** wrought, As **** *** ***** ***** ** ** brought To ***** ** *** ****** You.
A Collection of Lutheran Music Text: © 1941 Concordia Publishing House Tune: Public Domain PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler www.LutheranMusic.com