Juvenile v. Adult Law
Adult System FOCUS-The purpose of the adult criminal system is to punish the offender. Applies to anyone over the age of 18 and under 18 in certain cases. Typical punishments include jail time (incarceration), probation, community service and fines. Criminal records are public and available for all to view.
Juvenile System FOCUS: Rehabilitation-helping the person overcome their problems and become good citizens Must be under the age of 18 to be considered a juvenile Records are sealed when the offender turns 18.
Juvenile System Punishments include: community service, probation, juvenile detention, counseling, drug/ alcohol rehab, boot camps, scared straight programs, family counseling Punishments are aim to rehabilitate juveniles and act as a DETERANT for future crimes. In North Carolina, juveniles as young as 13 can be tried as adults….adult crimes = adult punishments. A juvenile who frequently gets in trouble is often called a DELINQUENT