Status of Canadian Marine Program Environment Canada Yvonne Cook LCM Surface Networks Gary Rink LCM Marine Networks
VOS Program Dec 2005 Status –28 operational AVOS ships (2 u/s in 2005) –121 Manual VOS ships Total ship reports 2005 –Total obs from AVOS ships – 50,656 –Total obs from Manual VOS ships – 29,602 Manual VOS Exit Strategy –No further recruitment of Manual VOS ships –MSC considering the various alternatives under cost recovery conditions
Samuel Risley CG2960
GSI Admiral
CCG Sir Wilfred Laurier
Trend in AVOS/VOS reporting No new VOS recruitments since 2000 YearAVOS shipsManual VOS ships
Vessels Planned 2006 TANU West Coast Canada & Gulf of Alaska installed SAGA TUCANOPacific Oceaninstalled SAGA JANDIAPacific Oceaninstalled UMIAK St. Lawrence River-Labrador Coast planned AGAWA CANYONLakes Superior & Michiganplanned CANADIAN ENTERPRISEGreat Lakesplanned ATLANTIC HURONGreat Lakes & East Atl.planned LIEF ERICSONN.S.-NFLDplanned NFLD MARTINNfld-Greenlandplanned HENRY LARSENNfld-Greenlandplanned
Canadian VOSClim Status 14 Canadian AVOS ships registered in program Approximately 22 more AVOS ships to be registered Canadian AVOS systems planned to be registered Note - Recruitment Strategy for Canadian AVOS ship selection based on the following: –Data sparse North –Trans-Pacific –Trans-Atlantic –% of year at sea
AVOS Concerns SST - Difficult installations – exploring wireless transmission Ambient Temperature & Relative Humidity – entirely due to location, ship exhaust causes sensor fouling and increased temperature Communications –INMARSAT in the north – MSC exploring replacing INMARSAT with IRIDIUM –Pressure reporting discontinued at the moment on Mackensie River Eprom upgrade –Delete country code as required by service provider –Incorporate IMMT3 format and MQCSV January 2007 Stealth Mode – latest ver. S/W – option for no transmit. When triggered system continues to collect and store observations and PMO must retrieve data on next possible visit. CCG has requested that : –critical ships be excluded from MSC AVOS ship list –Stealth mode be available on all CCG vessels –Call sign be hidden on all CCG vessels –Data be delayed 24 hours to the public Standards – Marine TWG, PMO training, certification, workload WBS Internal site – must be acceptable to the green lane
Other PMO Responsibilities Moored Buoys status –16 Pacific coast buoys – NOMAD & 3Meter –10 Atlantic coast buoys –NOMAD & 3Meter –18 Inland waters – Watchkeeper & 3Meter Drifter Buoys Status –29 operational Pacific Ocean, 22 deployments in last 12 months –3 operational Atlantic Ocean, 2 deployed in last 12 months –8 barometer upgrades installed on US SVPs –8 barometer upgrades planned for Planned deployments for 2006 including 4 with winds Ice Beacons – 3 operational and 7 planned deployments Land sites – T&P, Public WX, Climate, Radar, Aviation
We promise to update the WMO Pub 47 list
Thank you Vielen Dank Merci beaucoup