Steer Selection 2018
Timeline Paper work and money due in April. Entry Form Sponsorship – if no sponsorship is found a “no bill” must be turned in. Facility Agreement W-9 – with students info. Selection Date – June 5th at 10:00 AM. Humble Ag Science Facility. February: Show
Selection Procedure Begins at 10:00 AM at the Humble Steer Barn 30 minute walk-around (as a group) 30 second individual view/selection. No time limit on selection. Select numbers from a bucket to choose who selects first.
Factors to Consider
How to Select “The One” Structure/ Frame Size Muscling Balance Temperament
Frame Size Adequate Long Bodied Clean
Structural Correctness Terms
Structural Correctness Legs and feet Set to hock Flex at pastern Take long strides
Structural Correctness Legs Legs should hit the ground straight Point straight ahead
Structural Correctness Legs Toes Out Toes In
Structural Correctness Feet Feet should be big and rugged Slope to pasterns
Muscle - Hind Quarter Width between pin bones Stifle
Muscle - Shoulder Bold and Rugged Thick fore arm Smooth
Muscle - Top Long Level Straight
Muscle - Top Wide Topped
Muscle - Wide Based
Muscle - Bone Large circumference of bone
Balance Your calf should be balanced on both ends
Balance Select a calf with style A deep bodied calf that is full in the flank Uniform in capacity and ruggedness Smooth
Examples of Balance Good Balance Poor Balance
Disposition Notice how the seller handles the calves. Can you move easily around the cattle without them getting nervous? Does your calf have a pleasing gentle eye? Ask about the cow and bull. bloodlines or pedigree etc..
Management: To what extent is the animal taken care of (i.e. medication, halter breaking, stall cleaning, etc.)
Halter Breaking Lead from animal’s left side. Begin with a rope halter then work up to a training halter. NEVER ALLOW THE ANIMAL TO ESCAPE!!!! Work the animal 1-2 hours a day for the first month, then increase 1 hr till show.
TRAIN YOUR STEER! Tie their heads to the height in which you will show them at – so you do not have to work as hard to keep their head up when showing. Continuously brush and talk calmly to the calf during the exercise time. Always approach the calf from the front and work your way to the rear of the animal, brushing or petting them all of the way back. –do this on both sides, so they are not afraid of others that walk up to them.
TRAIN YOUR STEER cont. Trim Chute Place steer in trim chute at least 3 times a week and tie their heads up. While in the chute, brush the animal. It is a good idea as well to get the animal used to the sound and feel of clippers – as they will not be jumpy when it is time to clip.
The Showstick Assist in placing the feet. Calms the animal. Helps control the animal. Maintains straight top line. Touch front of hoof to move feet back and back of hoof to move feet forward. Only strike the animal when necessary (i.e. on the nose for being stubborn).
Items Needed
MEDICATION Worm once a month (30 day increment). Alternate wormers (Eprinex,Ivomec, Safeguard). Have Mineral Oil on hand at all times – helps control bloat. Antibiotic – LA200, Tylan 200 – administered by ag teacher Probios – microbe supplement
Nutrition Ruminates and how they function Microbes and their importance Fiber/roughage Fat (marbling) Protein
Continuation of Nutrition all of this is relative to how the steer grow Feeds and Feeding: Most programs have three steps 1. Pre-conditioner – not needed much for Humble Steers 2. Developer/ Grower – 3-4 months 3. Finisher- 4 months to show** START ON THIS AND CONTINUE TILL SHOW.
Finisher: Contains much more fat (4.5%). Contains 12-14% protein. Sweet Feed form. Best to keep on feed for 100 days. Very hot feed.
Finisher: Crude Protein Min. 11.0% Crude Fat Min. 3.5% Crude Fiber Max. 10.0% Vitamin A Min. 6,000 IU/LB Vitamin D3 Min. 1,500 IU/LB
Additives 1. C.O.B.- Corn, Oats, Barley. 2. Winner’s Edge -Add to feed to increase finish -2 lbs. Daily -Cost $6.00 2. Winner’s Edge -Contains Trace minerals -$55 for 50 lbs.
Additives Continued 3. Golden Flow or Fast Fat -Increases fat 4. Red Cell -Boost energy 5. Steamed, Crimped Corn 6. Beet Pulp -Increases Capacity in “sunk in area”
Reminders Check weights often. Use FRESH FEED AND WATER!!! Smell the feed before feeding. Avoid any sudden changes in regiment. The Key: to gradually change ration – calves are smart! Remember, you are feeding the microbes not the steer.
Have Fun!