The beginnings of change “The other positive issue for farmers was that this time the forecast included agricultural advisories. The harvest has been high and some food is being sold to raise income” Community meeting, Otuke District, Olim Sub-County “For the first time we have received the weather forecasts in the local language, which has not happened before. When I heard the programme on the radio, I was excited and kept listening every day. I do not know how to write so I instructed my son to write the important points. It has helped me to plan and so far the forecast has been accurate” Akello Lucia, Woman respondent, Amida Sub-County, Kitgum District.
Change processes Ethiopia Mozambique Uganda Pro poor macroeconomic planning in a hostile context - Climate Resilient Green Economy Women and excluded groups being involved in the decisions being made about their lives Mozambique Citizens of Mozambique meaningfully participating in development planning from the local to national Women and men being actively involved in the systematic monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness and implementation of these plans Uganda Household impacts including food security and increased income through the seasonal forecasts – indications are that this is at scale Changes in communities lives in regards to safety, livelihoods, gender, governance by increasing the effectiveness of state systems and supporting active citizens
Collaborative Co-production Change Capacity building Advocacy Research
Key success factors Understanding how change happens, power and agency Having a clear and professional approach to advocacy, campaigning as well as programming Long term funding and long term relationships with duty bearers and those we serve Co producing an understanding of the situation and systems in partnership with those in it Co producing solutions with those affected - states and citizens Interconnection and collaboration at all levels and across all sectors Being based and led in the global south
Next steps Further exploration of change Communities at the core A collaborative effort to support women, men, girls and boys strategically and effectively at scale Two year collaboration and developing partnerships Further exploration of change Next steps Communities at the core Co producing solutions with local, national and regional power holders and agents for change Reshaping global efforts to support change at the core