Parque das Nações  Lisboa  Portugal


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Presentation transcript:

1st Meeting of IPSG 16 -17 July 2007 Parque das Nações  Lisboa  Portugal IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon Agenda MONDAY, 16TH JULY 9.30 - 9.45 Opening of the meeting Welcome words General information Minutes of last meeting in Bonn 9.45 – 10.00 Results of the DG and Ministers meeting in Berlin 10.00 – 10.30 4CQ impact evaluation 11.00 – 12.45 5th Quality Conference 14.00 – 14.15 Customer satisfaction 14.15 – 15.15 Citizen Charter 15.15 – 16.00 Presentation of practice case: “The Portuguese strategy for eGov: Placing the citizen in the centre of modern and changed PA” 16.15 – 17.00 Presentation of practice case: “The Simplex Programme and Enterprise life cycle” IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon Agenda TUESDAY, 17TH JULY 9.15 - 9.30 Summary of conclusions from previous day’s proceedings 9.30 - 9.50 Human Resources WG - Information e-Government WGs - Information 9.50 – 10.20 CAF Activities 10.20 – 10.30 EUPAN Handbook – update 10.45 - 12.00 MTP and working methods Portugal 12.00 – 12.10 Information 12.10 – 12.20 Next IPSG meeting 12.20 – 12.30 Any other business IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

4QC Evaluation (PT responsibility) The objectives of the evaluation study: To analyze the impact of the Conference in participants work activities as practitioners or decision-makers … the key dates and methodology: June – administration of a questionnaire pilot-test (administration to IPSG members and some 4QC participants) 16/17 July - IPSG meeting: 1st conclusions of pilot-test and presentation of nest steps. September – administration of the questionnaire to all universe of 4QC participants (so far more than 300 respondents) 15/16 November- Second IPSG meeting: Final report and conclusions. IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

5QC preparation (Paris, October 2008) “The Directors General agree that the Quality Conferences are an important platform for disseminating information, improving the quality of public services at European level and sharing good practices. They will take place every two years. In this context the DGs strongly support the organization of the 5th Quality Conference and ask the to the IPSG to continue assisting with the preparation.” “…The main theme of the conference will be “The citizen as the main focus of quality-oriented public administration” and will particularly focus on citizen involvement and association in quality-oriented public administration. In this context also best practices in meeting the challenges of demographic change should be presented….” ( Resolution of DGs – Berlin, July). IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

Meeting of the 5QC IPSG subgroup in Paris October 22nd, 2007 Agenda 1. Review of the proposed guidelines for the preparation and facilitation of agora sessions  best practice workshop sessions (including the "critical friends" process) 2. Discussion of the guidelines for country stands ("citizen village") 3. Discussion of how to best integrate EUPAN & IPSG priority work into the conference :  the challenge of demographic change customer satisfaction management citizen charters etc. IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon Customer Sactisfaction Management sub-group Meeting 26 September 2007 - Brussels Agenda Mid-Term Strategy for the Customer Satisfaction Management Decision about the vision for the CSMG work based on the UK proposal “The Customer Challenge – Customer focus” Decision about the work programme for the next 2 years - Planning (following presidency, 5QC), Working methods, Budget… Guidelines on “Customer Focus”, including good practices Integration Citizen Charter and Focus Group Presentation of practice case Information: The UK and Finnish strategy for customer management: Placing the citizen in the centre of modern and changed public administration integration of citizen measure, charter, caf… IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon Practice Cases The presentation and discussion of good practice cases (sharing Best practices), is perceived has one of the added value by the MS. So during our presidency we will continue the habit of presenting best practice cases during the IPSG meetings. The cases presented are related whit the simplification and quality of service delivery (better and faster service for the citizens and enterprises). two presentations: The first one related to the Portuguese Strategy: Placing the citizen in the centre of modern and changed PA; the second one related to the Simplex Programme, as a Whole, and some outputs related to the Enterprise Life Cycle. IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

Working proposal: cooperation within WGs and sharing knowledge

Working proposal: Cooperation Objective: To improve the sharing knowledge and cooperation within the working groups of the EUPAN network. In every formal meeting of each WG will be present one/two representative of the others WGs (from the presidency). Those representatives can participate in a full basis, but the main objective is to express the views from the group they represent (if appropriate) and gather first hand information about the work in progress. As is already practice they also present information about the work done or in progress in the group they represent, stimulating more in depth cross-information. IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon EUPAN HANDBOOK The EUPAN Handbook has been drafted in 2004 and Finland was carry the task would be update it. It was stated that this handbook is also available to the other working groups if so wished. Our perspective is that we can work with the others WGs to finalize the EUPAN Handbook to be approved during the DG meeting in December. IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon EUPAN WEBSITE Main points: More visibility for the work/output of the Groups. new area for post the Best Cases presented in the meetings. It’s possible to update the Newsletter? (There are only two! November 2004 and May 2005) for instance on bi-annual basis (one by each presidency) – Responsibility: each presidency. Links on the website of IPSG members organizations. IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon


Main purpose - background The number of IPSG members is increasing which difficult the consensus in the group and not allow profound debates. The assessment lead by German Presidency shows that Members States (MS) have different needs and expectations regarding the IPSG activity. The results of the IPSG activity are mainly linked to CAF and Quality Conferences. Other projects don’t have visibility or are not sufficiently shared IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon Proposal The IPSG may create LEARNING GROUPS (LG) on the basis of particular common interests, but responsible to produce outputs to share. The LG could have two primary kinds of outputs: Innovative: to develop new themes. Sharing: to find transferable practices between MS IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

Main advantages of the learning groups Aligning the IPSG activity to the Member States needs and expectations (volunteer basis). Covering more themes in the MTP which increases the IPSG results. Promoting the sharing practices and findings among MS which is one of the core businesses of the IPSG. Working on themes which don’t have the necessary consensus of the IPSG group to be a common project, especially at the beginning. IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

The Learning Group participants could be: IPSG members; Members of the others EUPAN WG; Public servants/consultants of MS invited/designated by the IPSG members organizations. To set up Learning Groups within the IPSG, or within the EUPAN network, the following aspects must be considered in advance: Theme related to the IPSG/EUPAN mission (condition); Outputs during the MTP in progress (condition); (?) Minimum 3 Members States (condition). IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon LG rules & principles The LG philosophy of action should be “win-win”: all LG members should learn with the LG experience. The LG nature is not academic but practice. The LG “clients” are the LG members, the IPGS members, the EUPAN network and the European public services. The LG is free to set up the form of work, namely the coordination, the responsible for the minutes of the meetings, the possible reports and presentations, etc. The LG is free to set up the most appropriate .To avoid extra costs to MS attendance meetings it is not a prerequisite, but LG members are free to decide on this. IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

Proposals for the MTP 2008-2009 Presidency

IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon MTP - Main sources Germany Assessment (IPSG members) Ministers and Director General Resolutions (also Final Report of Lisbon ah doc group - May 2005 - as reference) IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon General framework QUESTIONS PROPOSALS What kind of projects could contribute for Lisbon targets? According with the IPSG assessment and the Lisbon ad hoc group : Governance (IPSG) Benchmarking (IPSG) National Lisbon Programs benchmarking (IPSG & Lisbon) User Satisfaction Indices (IPSG & Lisbon) Innovation in delivery of services (IPSG & Lisbon) Efficiency of public administration (IPSG & Lisbon) Performance indicators on price and quality (IPSG & Lisbon) Collection of service needs (Lisbon) Organization of successful take-up campaigns (Lisbon) Investments in physical and intellectual infrastructure (Lisbon) Use of eco-technology (Lisbon) IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon General framework QUESTIONS PROPOSALS Which working areas could be developed in closed cooperation with other EUPAN WG? With e-Gov WG Innovation in delivery of services Others? With HR Demographic change & Ageing With DEBR Efficiency of public administration IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon General framework QUESTIONS PROPOSALS What kind of outputs do IPSG want to deliver? Outputs Common frameworks (e.g. CAF) Seminars and conferences (e.g. Quality Conferences; CAF Users Event) Practical Guides (e.g. collection of good practices of MS; on-line publication) Guidelines (e. g. Citizen charter guidelines) Good/Best Practices cases available on-line (e.g. through EUPAN website) IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon General framework QUESTIONS PROPOSALS How could IPSG improve the working methods to achieve better results? Working methods Defining functional rules for the group (Handbook) Defining rules to spread the IPSG outputs to public services (Handbook) Creating Learning Groups on the basis of member states common interests, responsible to produce outputs. IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon Proposals for the MTP QUESTIONS PROPOSALS What should be the IPSG working areas for 2008-2009? Ongoing working areas: CAF Quality Conferences Customer satisfaction Citizen Charter Sharing practices Possible new working areas: Governance/Good Administration Demographic change & ageing Efficiency of public administration Organizational development and leadership Innovation in delivery of services IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon Summary of IPSG member’s ideas for the future ONGOING PROJECTS Improve customer satisfaction project Improve Citizen Charter project New methods for sharing practices Improve CAF project Improve Quality Conferences project NEW WORKING AREAS Efficiency of public administration Governance Organizational development and leadership Innovation in delivery of services Promotion of the implementation of Quality Management Systems Participatory policy making and policy evaluation Impact of demographic change on recruitment & active ageing IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

Priorities for 2008/2009 Governance Demographic change. Areas: MINISTERS RESOLUTION DGS RESOLUTION Priorities for future work - EUPAN Priorities for future work - IPSG Areas of cooperation Governance Demographic change. Areas: Ensuring customer satisfaction Guaranteeing high-quality public services (Citizen Charters) Good practices CAF development and dissemination throughout Europe Quality Conferences CAF Citizen Charter Costumer satisfaction IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon MTP - TIME FRAME Discussion on first meetings of Working Groups (1st IPSG – 16/17 July) Discussion on I Troika Secretariat (30 July) Draft on II Troika Secretariat (23 October) Draft on I DG Troika (26 October) Discussion and approval on Working Groups (II IPSG – 15/16 November) Approval in DG Meeting (10 December) IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon Next IPSG meeting 15, 16 November  Lisbon Presidency IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

Next meeting - Main issues 5QC Customer satisfaction management CAF & CAF Event & CAF Movie MTP EUPAN Handbook IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon Evaluation - IPSG meeting Inquire distributed to all the IPSG members that participate in the 1st IPSG meeting of the Portuguese Presidency held in Lisbon on 16/17 July (TOTAL = 33). N. Topics JJ J K L Topic not evaluated Total ner of answers Nº % 1.    Decisions taken (adequate, pertinent) 5 19,2 18 69,2 2 7,7 1 3,8 26 2.    Debate promoted between participants (necessary, fruitful) 3.    Proposals presented (interest; relevance) 6 23,1 19 73,1 0,0 4.    Practices cases presented (interest; relevance) 7 26,9 12 46,2 3 11,5 5.    Documentation (clear, well organized, well presented) 15 57,7 11 42,3 6.    Agenda (theme/schedule) 10 38,5 7.    Practical information (sufficient; clear) 8.    e-Mail assistance before the meeting (to registration; to respond to your questions…)* 17 68,0 20,0 4,0 8,0 25 9.    Access to the documentation (reception in due time, channels used) 9 34,6 4 15,4 10.         EUPAN site of Portuguese Presidency (clear, friendly, adequate) 16 61,5   TOTAL 113 112 14 259 IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon

Thank you for your attention ! IPSG Meeting - 16, 17 July – Lisbon