This tutorial will demonstrate the advanced search options in WorldCat
To reach the AU Phillips Library catalog, first go to the library’s home page From the library home page, select the link “Find Books/Media” from the left side of the page.
Select “Locate books & materials in libraries around the world using WorldCat”
Perform an advanced search in WorldCat by clicking on the link at the top of the page.
In the advanced search screen, you can perform advanced searches by including terms according to type (such as subject, keyword, author, etc) in the search boxes and limit options such as year, format, language, etc.
If you did not narrow your search by format in the previous screen, you can do so here by selecting on of the tabs above. Follow the same steps to request an item as you would when performing a quick search.
Finally, if you have any questions, please ask us at the information desk. You can contact us whenever a reference librarian is on duty by phone 630-844-7534, text us at 630-796-7615, email:, or Instant Message on the library’s homepage.