Safeguarding Adults Reviews How to make a referral for a SAR (and other related matters)
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3. Click Safeguarding Adults Reviews
4. Click Safeguarding Adults Review Referral Form
Send completed SAR referrals to:
Reminder: How to report a safeguarding adult concern A concern that an adult with care and support needs is at risk of, or experiencing, neglect or abuse Don’t forget the principles of MSP!
Got to 2. Click on Report Adult Abuse
3. Click on Report Adult Abuse
4.Click here
What makes a good SAR referral? Explicitly state which of the statutory SAR criteria the case has met Clearly state any other reason why a SAR is needed Give clear rationale for why the case is being referred Make in a timely manner or explain any delays in making the referral
SAR Criteria (a reminder) A SAB must arrange to review a case of an adult with care and support needs where: There is reasonable cause for concern about how the SAB, its partners or others with relevant functions worked together to safeguard the adult, AND The adult died and the SAB suspects the death resulted from abuse or neglect Or The adult is alive and the SAB suspects the adult has experienced abuse or neglect
What happens next? Referral checked (to check that it’s not a report of a safeguarding concern made in error to BSAB instead of BCC) SAR Group meeting arranged Relevant partners asked to check records and if known, provide scoping reports of involvement with the adult SAR Group meets to consider referral; on basis of information provided Group decides: SAR criteria are met and a SAR is required SAR criteria are met but an alternative approach to identifying learning is thought more proportionate to the issue E.G. Table top review, following root cause analysis model SAR criteria met, but issue overlaps with another review process (SCR, DHR) SAR criteria not met; but single agency learning required SAR criteria not met, but alternative review process indicated (E.G. Domestic Homicide Review) SAR criteria not met. Decision and rationale reported back to referrer
Learning SAR Group considers learning from reviews (from both local and national reports) Considers appropriate actions to share learning
Learning Future developments Link SAR Group with BSAB Learning and Development group Use of National SAR Library
National SAR Library In March 2018 a national SAR library website was launched, which includes: A searchable library of SARs submitted by Boards A mechanism to submit SARs to the library, including a cover sheet, with guidance, that features a categorisation scheme developed for the project Adapted version of the SCIE SCR quality markers suitable for use in commissioning SARs Signposting to SAR-related research.
National SAR Library To access SAR Library:
What would you do? Safeguarding concern reported to BCC? Or Referral for a Safeguarding Adults Review made to BSAB?
1 An older physically dependent woman who lives alone almost came to harm because her care package had been stopped; this happened because her District Nurse arranged for her to go to hospital by ambulance when she found her unwell, and told the care agency they did not need to visit anymore. The hospital treated her as an outpatient and sent her home the same day. Only by chance did the care agency learn of this a day or so later, and raised the alarm just before she could come to serious harm. The care was restarted, and now she is fine.
2 A disabled man with learning disabilities, whose family repeatedly prevented professionals form gaining access to him, died from an ingrowing toenail turning gangrenous. Several agencies were involved, but no one called a multi agency meeting to share concerns or to plan ways he could be protected from coming to harm before it was too late.
3 A District nurse is worried because the family is preventing him from seeing a disabled man who has an injured toe that needs daily dressing to prevent infection setting in. He’s worried he may come to harm. The DN can’t speak to the man to ask his views.
4 Your elder neighbour discloses to you that money keeps going missing from her purse on the day her home carers visit. She does not feel confident on how to address the issue, but wants to stop the losses and to feel safe.
(then we can have lunch…) Questions (then we can have lunch…)