Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls Billy Coleman wants hunting dogs more than anything in the world. Read about his adventures. source of photo: http://www.ahdc.org/
Cheap Costing very little Luckily the toy was cheap enough for me to afford.
Depot A railroad station I met my friend at the train depot in Fresno. Source of photo: http://www.cityofwinterville.com/html/train_depot.html
Determination The firm intention to accomplish a goal The girl had lots of determination to make the basketball team. Source of photo: /www.fotosearch.com/DGV626/778026
Provisions necessary supplies, especially food We forgot to pack our provisions for the trip, so we had to stop at the store. Source of clip art: dir.coolclips.com/Sports/.../ miscellaneous2.html
Urgency The need to do something quickly Students often feel a sense of urgency to get home from school quickly. Source of clip art: www.projectmaranatha.com/pictures/GuyRowe/rowe01.htm
Wares Items for sale I sold my wares at the yard sale, earning enough to buy a new bike. Source of clip art: www.fotosearch.com/BCD117/jptm36
All About Wilson Rawls Did you know that Wilson was mostly home schooled? His favorite book was Call of the Wild by Jack London Photo from: http://www.ifpl.org/index.asp?p=rawls/bio Read more about Wilson at: http://www.eduplace.com/kids/hmr/mtai/rawls.html