Training tool Admin General Settings
Training objective At the end of the training session, admin will be able to To control the basic administration features and functions of Eurécia
Training program Espace Admin Access to online user guide and to the Release Note Create or archive new employees Send email access Company record Create a department Create a branch Customize design Configure a approval cycle Schedule email reminders Create a work shift calendar Create a report criteria Create a custom users list Up date public holiday calendar
Admin area
Access to help center Access to online user guide and to the Release Note Access: Home page
Create new employees Create an employee Access: Admin area > General settings > Employee & users > Open
Archived an employee Archive an employee Access: Admin area > General settings > Employee & users > Open
Send email access Activate the « to send email to users » option Access: Admin area > General settings > Company record > Open > Configuration Access : Payroll > Employee and users
Create the initial timesheet Access: Admin area > General settings > Employee & users > Open
Company record Fill your company data Access: Admin area > General settings > Company record > General Fill your company data
Company record Create a department Access: Admin area > General settings > Company record > Organization Create a department
Company record Create a branch Access: Admin area > General settings > Company record > Organization Create a branch
Company record Customize the home page: Insert a logo Access: Admin area > General settings > Company record > Customize design Customize the home page: Insert a logo Customize the home page: Insert an home image ans customize the homepage message.
Company record Create a general cycle in the company record Access: Admin area > General settings > Company record > Configuration Create a specific cycle in employee record Access: Admin area > General settings > Employee and users > Rules In employee record do not delete the line concerning the approval cycle of the company (the line turns grey when adding the new approval cycle) the data in the employee record has priority over the data in the company record
Company record Schedule email reminders Access: Admin area > General settings > Company record > Open > Configuration
Work shift calendars Create a new work shift calendar Access: Admin area > General settings > Work shift calendar
Work shift calendars Create a new work shift calendar Access: Admin area > General settings > Work shift calendar > Open > select the work shift
Report criteria Create a new report criterion Access: Admin area > General settings > Report criteria > Open
Report criteria Create a new report criterion Create a sub-account Access: Admin area > General settings > Report criteria > Open Create a sub-account
Custom users lists Create a custom users list Access: Admin area > General settings > Custom users lists > Open
Custom users lists Create a custom users list Access: Admin area > General settings > Custom users lists > Open
Update the public holiday calendar Example : Delete Easter Monday Access: Admin area > General settings > Public holidays > Open > Select the calendar 05 62 20 49 37