“W” Question Words: Why Which
Why are the tigers fighting? (Give 2 reasons) Why – asks for a reason Why are the tigers fighting? (Give 2 reasons)
Why is the boy walking? (Give 2 reasons)
Why are the children so happy? (Give 2 reasons)
Why are the bears sitting in the water? (Give 2 reasons)
Which – asks for a choice or clarification (i.e. which one?)
Which river are the people looking at? Which country is this?
Which famous person is shaking hands with the boy?
Finish the question: Why _____________________?
Why ________________________?
Which _______________________?
Write you own questions!! Why __________________? Which _________________?
Why __________________? Which _________________?
Why _________ _____________? Which ________ _____________?
Which _____________________?
Why __________________? Which _________________?