Monitoring of toxicants in the surface water in Poland Ewa Szalińska Cracow University of Technology, Poland curriculum in natural environmental science, 2005
Contents: Monitoring of the aquatic environment in Poland Water quality legislation Toxicants in legislation acts Toxicants in monitoring practice The upper Dunajec watershed as an example of surface water monitoring Conclusions curriculum in natural environmental science, 2005
air, water, waste, soils, radiation, noise, nature, forests air, water, waste The Polish State Monitoring System Quality of Environment Emission Assessments & Forecasts The Polish State Monitoring System curriculum in natural environmental science, 2005
area:312,000 km 2 population:38,5 millions Map of Poland curriculum in natural environmental science, 2005
Surface water monitoring Diagnostic monitoring Operational monitoring Monitoring of water sensitive to eutrophication Monitoring of water quality in respect of protection fish, crustaceans and molluscs existence curriculum in natural environmental science, 2005
The monitoring network for running water quality curriculum in natural environmental science, 2005
Surface water quality classes Class I – very good quality Class II – good quality Class III – satisfactory quality Class IV – unsatisfactory quality Class V – poor quality curriculum in natural environmental science, 2005
Measured toxicants Inorganic substances Metals and metalloids Organic contaminants cyanide, fluoride As, Ba, B, Cr tot, Cr +6,Zn, Al, Cd, Mn, Cu, Ni, Pb, Hg, Se, Fe phenols, pesticide, mineral oils, anion-active detergents, PAH curriculum in natural environmental science, 2005
Permissible levels of selected toxicants ParameterUnitSurface water I – V Classes Fish protection Chromium tot +6 mg L – – Coppermg L – Mercurymg L – Pesticides g L – 5.0- PAH g L – 1.0- Oil hydrocarbons mg L curriculum in natural environmental science, 2005
Map of the upper Dunajec watershed curriculum in natural environmental science, 2005
The Czorsztyn reservoir curriculum in natural environmental science, 2005
Localisation of sampling sites in the Czorszyn reservoir watershed curriculum in natural environmental science, 2005
Cl concentration (1994) at sampling site 2 Symbols described in the legend: total 24 samples and samples selected for subsets of n =12, 6, and 4. Horizontal lines show mean concentration calculated from all 24 samples and the subsets curriculum in natural environmental science, 2005
Mean annual Cl concetrations at sampling site 2 with the confidence intervals at probability level Means determined from the sets of 4, 6, 12 and 24 samples. curriculum in natural environmental science, 2005
Date Individual samples g L -1 Daily mean g L -1 Two-hourly mean g L -1 November 8, 2001 November 12, December 6, 2001 December 7, Cr concentrations at sampling site 1 in 2001 determined by the State Monitoring (n=4) and the CUT (n=12) curriculum in natural environmental science, 2005
Chromium in the Dunajec river sections sampling filtration method determination The State Monitoring 1, 2, 3 once a month 0,45 m CAdSV Cr tot, Cr +6 2, 3 4 times a year non-calibrated filters FAAS Cr tot CUT curriculum in natural environmental science, 2005
Cr concentrations in the upper Dunajec catchment Cr tot [ g/l] CUTThe State Monitoring nd curriculum in natural environmental science, 2005
Total Cr concentrations in the Dunajec river (monthly average) in 2001 curriculum in natural environmental science, 2005
Conclusions: Detailed identification of water pollution local problems Adaptation of the monitoring programmes to local needs Evaluation of the effectiveness of management actions Updating the list of toxicants to be monitored (especially organic micro-pollutants) curriculum in natural environmental science, 2005
References: Biblioteka Monitoringu Środowiska, Reports on the enviornment status and trends, Ministry of the Environment, Ordinances on environmental protection The State of Environment in Poland 1996–2001 Report, Warsaw 2003 Szalińska, E Jakość powierzchniowych wód płynących w zlewni górnego Dunajca w latach Gospodarka Wodna, 3, Szalińska, E., 2002 Transformation of chromium in the water environment contaminated with tannery wastewater. Monographs of Politechnika Krakowska (CUT), Environmental Engineering issue, curriculum in natural environmental science, 2005