Interactions The respiratory system disperses oxygen to all the other systems through the circulatory and takes carbon dioxide from the other organ systems. Interactions- Gives and removes gases from cells in all other systems so they can function and do their jobs.
Vocab. You Need to Know Nasal Cavity- Area behind your nose that is used for breathing. Pharynx- Connects mouth and nasal cavity. Epiglottis- Flap of cartilage that closes off your throat from food that will then be directed to your stomach. Larynx- Area under your epiglottis that holds your vocal folds. Trachea- Main part of throat that bridges your upper and lower respiratory system. Bronchus- A main branch from the trachea into the lungs. Alveoli- A lung cell responsible for giving your blood oxygen. Lung- Holds alveoli and blood vessels that give oxygen to your body Diaphragm- a sack that inflates and deflates making you breath. Respiration- the act of breathing. At this time take out your ipads and take the quiz after the video that is played up here