Mixtures and Solutions
Physical Change Make different without changing what the material is made of, such as: cutting, folding, melting
Mixture (Heterogeneous) A combination of two or more substances where each keep their own properties and can be easily separated
Solution (Homogenous) A mixture of one substance dissolved evenly in another.
Combine to mix together
Mix to combine together
Measure find the amount of
Separate To pick out one group of materials from another
Distribute spread out to many
Disperse scatter or send in several different directions
Dissolve To break down into small particles and spread evenly through a substance
Sample A small part that has the same characteristics of the whole
Ingredient A single part of a mixture or solution
Solute The substance that will be dissolved like salt or sugar
Solvent What the matter will be dissolved in like water
Sieve or Strainer tool used to separate smaller from bigger pieces in a mixture
Filter Used to separate sand and water
Hot plate a flat heated surface (or a set of these), typically portable, used for cooking food or keeping it hot.
magnet a piece of iron (or an ore, alloy, or other material) that has its component atoms so ordered that the material exhibits properties of magnetism, such as attracting other iron-containing objects or aligning itself in an external magnetic field.