The Mercer County Community College Library Renovation Experience By Pamela A. Price Director of Library Services Mercer County Community College The Mercer County Community College Library Renovation Experience
February 2000 Chapter 12: $15 million Planned Student Center & Library Expansion Appreciative Inquiry Framework Four key stages in AI: Discovery Dream Design Destiny David Cooperrider Chapter 12: $15 million
The Dream March 2000
The Design
Destiny MCCC Library of the Future Increased book stack space Shift to DVD only AV purchases Scanners and fax machine for students Double seating capacity in open computer lab to 200 Laptops for loan Digitize Archives Textbook Collection Electronic Reserves Self Checkout Study Carrels with data ports Comfortable sofa/chair seating Information literacy classroom seats for 30 Widen aisles for wheelchair access Minimum: 36,077 square feet
State Reduction in Available Funds Increased Construction Costs $15 million Now $8 million from State +$4 million from County $12 million now available
Selective Priorities Plan Shift in purpose and direction Comprehensive expansion now repurposed Selective Priorities Plan
MCCC Vision and Institutional Mission Selective Priorities Student Based Choices compatible with institution vision and mission: MCCC Vision and Institutional Mission To maintain resources that support …quality teaching, innovation, …including: innovation and technology in programs, services, and methods of instruction that respond to … and contribute to student achievement and success;
Information Literacy Smart Classroom with seating for 30 Selective Priorities Information Literacy Smart Classroom with seating for 30 Smart Group Study Rooms Defined Reference Assistance Area Archives Room Lounge Seating Area