Dignity in Care Charter In Pursuit of Excellence Promote autonomy, personal identity & empowerment Understanding individual preferences, giving choice and agreeing appropriate support Engender Respect Polite and discrete approach, appropriate to your beliefs, views and needs Communicate Effectively Using language of choice were possible and be clear, open and sensitive Ensure Privacy Respecting personal space and protect privacy One of the pieces of stimulus IDEA – Ask if they agree with and how well 1-10 think organisation doing currently
The Social Care Institute for Excellence And something about belonging? SCiE defines dignity as: Respect Privacy Self-Esteem Autonomy from G.S.C.C Research We have added ‘belonging’ because you have told us that having a ‘role or place’ or being a part of a group or organisation is important. We will have different networks or groups around us – family, friends, work the wider community. Maintaining and extending these groups is really important for self-esteem and self-identity.
The SCIE Dignity Challenge Have a zero tolerance of all forms of abuse Support people with the same respect you would want for yourself or a member of your family Treat each person as an individual by offering a personalised service Enable people to maintain the maximum possible level of independence choice and control Listen and support people to express their needs and wants Respect people’s right to privacy Ensure people feel able to complain without fear of retribution Engage with family members and carers as care partners Assist people to maintain confidence and positive self–esteem. Act to alleviate people’s loneliness and isolation. More stimulus