2018 Annual Equity Conference October 25, 2018 “Closing the Equity and Achievement Gap: Innovative Programs in the Florida College System” #FCSEquity www.floridacollegesystem.com
Dr. Carrie Henderson Panel Moderator Executive Vice Chancellor Florida College System #FCSEquity
Dr. Scott Creamer Valencia College Interim Dean of Social Science and Education Valencia College #FCSEquity
Dr. Kathy Maalouf Miami Dade College Vice Provost Student Affairs #FCSEquity
Student Achievement Initiatives Kathy Maalouf, Ph D Vice Provost for Student Affairs
OUTCOMES of student success Retention Rates: Since 2012, fall to fall retention of FTIC-DE students on the Shark Path went from 66.4% to 75% in 2017. Our overall retention rate of 70% is one of the highest in the nation well above the national community college average of 55%. Graduation Rates: Since 2012, our 150% graduation rate increased by 40% with an increase of 29% for black students and 42% for Hispanic students. Job Placement: over 95% of our graduates are placed and the average annual starting salary is over $55,000. Economic Mobility: About 36% of MDC students move up two or more income quintiles and about 5% move from the bottom to the top quintile.
Mr. Larry Pakowski Polk State College Vice Provost Student Affairs Miami Dade College #FCSEquity
2017-18 FTIC COHORT (Est.) Pre-Advising & Educational Plan Completion 2017-18 FTIC COHORT (Est.) Average % of Credit Attempted = Earned, Fall & Spring 2017-18 FTIC COHORT (Est.) Average Term GPAs, Fall & Spring 2017-18 FTIC COHORT (Est.) Total % of Cohort, 2015-16 to 2017-18
COMPLETION HEADCOUNT Associate in Arts, 2014-15 to 2016-17 COMPLETION HEADCOUNT Associate in Science, 2014-15 to 2016-17 COMPLETION HEADCOUNT BAS/BS, 2014-15 to 2016-17 COMPLETION HEADCOUNT Certificates, 2014-15 to 2016-17
SINCE 2015…
2018 Annual Equity Conference October 25, 2018 “Closing the Equity and Achievement Gap: Innovative Programs in the Florida College System” #FCSEquity www.floridacollegesystem.com