C List
cajole (v)-flatter, wheedle, inveigle; beguile, blandish; coax The experienced business man was able to cajole others into funding his plans for the new beach casino.
calumny (n)-slander High school can be a tough time for some because they can become a victim of slander.
chameleon (n)-turncoat, renegade, changeable Lilly can sometimes be described as a chameleon because her moods can change like the wind.
charlatan (n)-quack, pretender, fraud, mountebank I would never take advice on how to make a salad from this woman because she looks like a charlatan to me!
chastise (v)-chasten, castigate, discipline, punish Little Billy was chastised so much by the other children that he literally broke down and started crying.
chivalrous (adj)-knightly, gallant, noble, courteous, brave, honor Knights were expected to display chivalrous behavior at all times which includes a moral system which went beyond rules of combat.
chronological - (adj) dated, sequential, in sequence. Please line up in chronological order using your birthday. The youngest person should be in front.
clandestine (adj)-secret, furtive, sly, undercover, veiled, illicit, fraudulent Jenny’s clandestine personality kept her mother guessing most of the time.
cliché (n)- stereotype, truism, commonplace, platitude, banality Saying “God bless you” is a common cliché that people use often after one sneezes.
cryptic (adj)-hidden, secret, occult There is a cryptic entrance to the old palace in the middle of nowhere.