3 projects under negotiation: WaterDiss2.0 STREAM STEP-WISE call: FP7-ENV-2010-5.1.0 -1 Dissemination and uptake of FP environmental research results with tangible impact on economic growth and social welfare 3 projects under negotiation: WaterDiss2.0 STREAM STEP-WISE
WaterDiss2.0 As stated by FUNDETEC (FP6-project) final report in December 2007, “the typical length of time needed to complete the development cycle (in the water sector) is 10 years”; this means that research commissioned today will impact water management practices within about 12 years, far after the next milestones of the Water Framework Directive (2015, 2021). The general objective of WaterDiss2.0 is to speed-up the transfer of research outputs to water management institutions (a basin authority or a city) with a targeted time lag of only 3 - 5 years. Participant organisation name Country OFFICE INTERNATIONAL DE L’EAU FR ECOLOGIC DE GDANSK WATER FOUNDATION PL CFPPDA RO ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER NETWORK UK CIRF IT AMPHOS21 ES TRIPNITY 30-09-2010
WaterDiss2.0 Tools to be developed Step 1 : selection of FP6/FP7 water research projects (~60) Step 2 : standardised analysis of projects outputs potential futures – negotiation with research teams Step 3 : design of results Individual Dissemination Strategy (IDS) Step 4 : active implementation of IDS Tools to be developed Project outputs Standard Analysis Grid Template for Individual Dissemination Strategy To be discussed during a consensus meeting with projects coordinators and key stakeholders 30-09-2010
WaterDiss2.0 Individual Dissemination Strategy : AND … Brokerage events (Pollutec, ExpoAPA, IFAT, WODKAN, Euro-INBO, WWF6, WWW, etc) 1-day Training seminars : 14 (FR, DE, PL, UK, ES, IT, RO) 2-hour webinars 2 summer schools (2012, 2013) Inputs in the Enterprise Europe Network (70 local consortiums, gathering about 600 partner organisations in more than 40 countries) AND … 30-09-2010
Video and presentation sharing WaterDiss2.0 The virtual community which aims to become the pro social network of water stakeholders Video and presentation sharing Library WIKI Tools download area Web conferencing facility eFair facility Repository of final reports of projects Co-production of statements – synthesis of exchanges Templates for Dissemination and uptake self analysis and Individualised Dissemination Strategy Permanent exhibition of research outputs Promotion of research outputs Link with other social networks WaterDiss2.0 30-09-2010
Project coordinator: Minerva Communication STREAM - Sustainable Technologies and Research for European Aquatic Management Project coordinator: Minerva Communication Project partners: EWP - European Water Partnership EFB - Europe for Business Ltd. MENON Network Minerva Consulting & Communication Avenue de Tervuren 32/34 - 1040 Brussels - Tel: +32 2 544 1888 Ms. Hinano Spreafico: hinano@minerva-communication.eu www.minerva-communication.eu 30-09-2010 6
STREAM work packages Project Management The showcase of water technologies and dissemination activities The European Water Technology and Research Watch The European Water Policy Observatory and Policy Seminars Summers Schools E-learning courses Interactive audiovisual production 30-09-2010 7
STREAM approach ANALYSIS State of the art on European technology and research related to water Map the European legislation and policies related to water BODIES EWTRW: European Water Technology and Research Watch EWPO: European Water Policy Observatory TARGETS European and international research community, mainly researchers and PhD students in charge of further developing scientific research Small and Medium size Enterprises and Industries the main users of scientific results developing new technologies for water management Policy makers in charge of promoting the implementation of new technologies through policies 30-09-2010 8
STREAM ACTIVITIES 3 policy seminars in 3 EU Countries (ES, PL, NL) Valencia , October 2011 Katowice, February 2012 Rotterdam, June 2012 1 European Parliament symposium in Brussels November-December 2012 2 summers schools in IT September 2011 September 2012 e-learning courses organised in 3 phases: October 2011 - January 2012 April - Mai 2012 September - October 2012 COMMUNICATION TOOLS STREAM web portal with newsroom and communication materials 5 audiovisuals of 5’ about 5 flagship research projects 10 interviews with water technology and policy experts 3 webinars organised for 3 water research projects events 30-09-2010 9
STEP-WISE Science, Technology and Policy Interfacing using WISE-RTD WISE-RTD = Web Portal linking water related information in order to support the implementation of water related Directives Currently available for WFD Within STEP-WISE all other water related Directives will be implemented 30-09-2010
from different sources STEP-WISE WFD based linking of information from different sources research and technology experiences case studies policies 30-09-2010
STEP-WISE Collection and input of information : projects, experiences, … Further development of WISE-RTD: linking with water related Directives and other policies linking with implementation processes of Directives building a water technology e-market Research priorities and policy gaps : gap analysis available information versus policies research priorities and policy gaps from stakeholders Dissemination: e-learning, demonstrations, emedia, … 30-09-2010
STEP-WISE Coordinated by HydroScan (BE) Partners : Mermayde (NL) WISE-RTD Association (BE) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE) XPRO Consulting (CY) QualityConsult (IT) Hydro International (UK) 30-09-2010
Synergies by the 3 projects joint collection of information though questionnaires and/or phone calls: to avoid overloading the projects coordinators with phone calls and emails. Preparation of a unique template with set of questions, jointly prepared shared dashboard on a collaborative website: to facilitate the exchange of information and material and plan future activities together (i.e. common mailing lists, a kind of common Gantt) coordinated dissemination activities: to avoid concurrent dissemination events and practices but create synergies and take advantage of individual efforts (i.e. STREAM / STEP-WISE e-learning activities; STREAM / WaterDiss2.0 Summer schools; policy seminars and other events) individual projects websites: with cross-linking and shared features (i.e. links to STREAM audiovisual material and WaterDiss2.0 social network) WISE-RTD as centralised information system: linking water related policies, research, experiences, technolgy, … as an intelligent switch board 30-09-2010