A SUMmary of the Gospel + - - = x
God created a beautiful world The Great Take-away - God created a beautiful world But we decided to take–away Him from the centre and put ourselves there instead Everything became ‘mine’ and ‘us’ – minus! – and not for His glory and our good
The Great Divide - Because we had taken ourselves away from God and become a minus…. there was now a great divide between God and us
The Great Equals = Out of love God stepped into the mess we had made of His world He became equal with us , born as a baby and walked among us as Jesus He showed us how to live in tune with God
The Great Mystery - - God then loved us to the uttermost by taking upon Himself all our minuses – all the take-aways of all time were loaded onto Jesus He allowed Himself to be taken away for our sake But mysteriously, a greater minus and another minus becomes ………
+ The Great Plus At the cross everything can be changed for us All that was taken away can become a plus Love is added to us as we bring ourselves alongside Jesus
The Great Multiplication x Because of the of Jesus, God can and will multiply His love toward us Grace upon grace For all times ! +