2017 Executive Council Report for Executive Vice President Russell Mitchell * International System Safety Society 1
International System Safety Society Way Forward for 2016-2017 Strategic Objectives: Complete MOAs with: SAE International ASU PMI others Develop better engagement with corporate members & potential corporate members around industry influence rather than volume membership discount modality - different focus than individual membership value Support transition to a different conference approach. Support identification of OVPS needed Support the redistribution of assignments needed to make conference work Support the identification of target universities that can align with our long term strategy across the country Support the ongoing ASU Global Center For Safety Initiative Support monetizing and targeting advertising,corporate member attraction, properly aligning sponsors and exhibitors around delivering on their objectives for engaging with us. Support changes to Chapter interfaces, Fiscal reporting, Progress metrics, & Paradigm shifts to producing as a team rather than reviewing as a team. Wrap up strategic objectives into a strategic plan with actionable tasking owned by the EC team. * International System Safety Society 2
Way Forward for 2016-2017 Operational Objectives: Enhance meeting performance & attendance Improve internal communications Identify opportunities to enhance alignment and win-win incentives Identify opportunities for team tools and infrastructure enhancement Streamline HQ office support tools