New and Enhanced Features in v2.8.4 Mitel Sales Workbench New and Enhanced Features in v2.8.4
Add/Remove Promotion… Note: Promo must be selected from Programs, Promos product screen and all prerequisites met before submitting mi2 for pre-approval. ® Partners eligible for a promotional discount will see an Add/Remove Promotion menu item: ®
Add/Remove Promotion… Select a promotional offer from the drop-down list or select Remove Promotion. Select checkbox if you do not want promo discount applied to Customer Price.
…Add/Remove Promotion Promotional discount appears as line item in Pricing Tab… ® …and all Partner, Distributor Reports. Promo-eligible parts are flagged with a “P” in RH column. ®
Promotion Detail Report Promotion Detail Report provides breakdown of promo pricing at parts level: ® ¯
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