Tiger Jeff Stone Project by: Lauren
Ying is Fu’s evil orphan brother Ying is Fu’s evil orphan brother. He is very strong and has the eagle fighting style, but he wishes to be a dragon like Long. So he tries to steal the ancient dragon scrolls. Age: 16 Fu is the main character in the story. He has the tiger fighting style. He is short tempered and impatient Age: 12 Tonglong is Ying’s #1 solder his name means “ praying mantis”. Like the mantis he is known for his speed and patience. He was sophisticated and complex , so was his fighting style. Age:29 Long is Fu’s orphan brother. He is very wise and has the dragon fighting style. Age: 13 Ma is the boy who Fu teaches how to fight. His name means horse so Fu teaches him fighting style that will fit him. Age: Unknown Malao is the Fu’s youngest orphan brother. He has the monkey fighting style . Age: 11 Ho is the young boy who Fu attacked when they were hunting tigers. He is the governor’s son and he forgave Fu. Age: Unknown Hok is another one of Fu’s orphan brothers. He is very quiet and has the crane fighting style. Age: 12 Grandmaster is the top monk at the Cangzhen Temple. He taught all the monks. He has the dragon fighting style like Long. He dies protecting trying to protect the temple. Age: Very very very old Seh is another one of Fu’s orphan brothers .He is very serious , and has the snake fighting style . Age: 12 Characters
Settings The Forest Cangzhen Temples The Village China 1651 AD Year of the tiger The Forest Cangzhen Temples The Village
Fu’s Conflict Before their Grandmaster dies he instructs all five boys to search out the secrets of their past, and teach worthy people the ways of Cangzhen. Fu must protect the ancient dragon scrolls from his evil brother Ying Ying’s Conflict Wants to get revenge one Grandmaster because he thinks it’s his fault that his friend Luk. Ying is trying to hunt down Fu and retrieve the dragon scrolls. Trying to take his rightful place as General
The Beginning Fu and his brothers are hiding from enemy troops in a empty water barrel. The Cangzhen temple is being attacked by their evil brother Ying and his troops. Before Grandmaster dies he tells his pupils to search for the secrets of their past. They escape the Cangzhen temple Fu takes the dragon scrolls so Ying won’t use them for his evil ways
The Middle Fu is in the forest hurt and hungry. He finds people hunting a mother tiger and her cub. His animal side takes over him and he goes on a rampage when they kill the mother tiger. Fu hurts the youngest hunter. The hunters are the governor and his son Ho, but he doesn’t know that. The hunters leave and Fu feels guilty. He becomes friends with the orphan tiger cub. Fu gets captured and taken to the village for hurting Ho.
How the conflict was solved When Fu was being taken away with the dragon scrolls by Ying’s troops back to Cangzhen, Malao comes out of nowhere and attacks the troops with an army of monkeys. Malao helps Fu escape from the cage he is being held in. Fu retrieved the scrolls from the troop that took them away. Ying comes withHok captive and takes the dragon scrolls form Fu. Ying orders Tonglong to execute Fu, Malao, and Hok in the forest. Tonglong repays Fu from saving his at Cangchzen and helps him escape. The other troops with them are attacked with the help of the orphan tiger cub. The boys learn about Ying’s past, and are trying to learn about Grandmasters past at the Shaolin temple.
The Theme The theme in the story is “To never give up no matter how bad the situation is.”
What I liked about this book I like how every other chapter would go to what Fu is doing and the next would go to what Ying is doing. I liked how at the end of the book with the most action it makes you want to keep reading the book to see what happens next.
Who should read this book? People who like action and fighting should read this book. People who are interested in martial arts and China would enjoy this book. (Me :D) More guys would rather read this book.
My Favorite Part Across the room a sliver of moonlight was sneaking though a crack in one of the shutters. It shined against the far wall, illuminating the face of Fu’s favorite character in his favorite mural. Of the hundreds of life – size instructional fighting scenes covering every wall inside the dark practice hall, this beam had chosen to shine on the heavyset monk striking an opponent with a devastating tiger – claw swipe. It must be a sign, Fu thought. Fu meant “tiger“ in Cantonese. And , like the monk in the mural, Fu was a tiger through and through.
最終 (The End) 勞倫 (Lauren)