1st & 3rd Saturdays of each month 9:00am to Noon 223 East Gates Romeo, MI 48065 586-752-4585 for more information 1st & 3rd Saturdays of each month 9:00am to Noon Loose metal jar lids Greeting Cards Paperboard Boxes Cereal, Pasta , Tissue Bottle caps Cartons Phone Books Paper towel rolls Paperback books Newspapers, Magazines Brochures & inserts #1-#7 Plastic Bottles & Containers Aluminum & Metal Cans Glass Bottles & Jars Regular & Junk Mail File folders & office paper Corrugated Cardboard & paper bags (Flattened) NO Scrap Metal ~ Plastic Bags~ Plastic Lids & Cups~ ~Plastic 6 pack holders~Needles or Syringes~ ~Plastic Microwave Trays ~Window Panes~ ~PVC~Mirrors~Ceramics & Pyrex Dishware~ ~Plastics other than those listed~ ~Paint~ Pesticides~Oil & Cleansers~ ~Stickers or address label sheet waste~ ~Waxed Paper or waxed cardboard~ ~Styrofoam or paper to go containers~ ~Organic material and food waste~ ~Electronics~ ~NO batteries, Cell Phones, computers, etc.~ Please follow guidelines carefully NO NEED TO REMOVE: Paper clips, stamps, address labels, staples, metal fasteners, cellophane address windows, rubber bands, spiral bindings, plastic tabs Please flatten all cardboard boxes & Empty and rinse all containers