Section 1.3 Human Civilization


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Presentation transcript:

Section 1.3 Human Civilization Ur in Sumer Section 1.3 Human Civilization

Economic Changes The change from village life to city life was a gradual process that spanned several generations. With the use of technological advances in tools and irrigation systems, villages could expand farming areas and increase crop yields. Food surpluses resulted, allowing for increases in population. Specialization of labour developed.

Social Changes With the specialization of labour, social classes were defined. People related to and associated with others doing similar jobs. As a result, classes were formed based on a person’s contribution to the community. As cities grew, social systems became more clearly defined. Religion developed and became more complex. Rituals, values and belief systems became entrenched into powerful traditions.

Characteristics of a Civilization A civilization is often defined as a complex culture with five characteristics: (1) advanced cities – Ur had around 30,000 people (2) specialized workers – Ur had farmers, metal workers, potters, teachers, weavers, scribes, soldiers and traders. (3) complex institutions – Government supervised all activities. Religious temples served as storage for valuable goods (grains, fabrics and gems). (4) record keeping – scribes used cuneiform to record events, business transactions and passage of laws. (5) advanced technology – Irrigation technology, the use of pottery wheels, and making of bronze weapons and tools were all evident in Ur. Also the use of plows, wheels and sails.

Social Classes in Ur People in Ur lived in well-defined social classes. Rulers, as well as priests and priestesses, wielded great power. Wealthy merchants profited from foreign trade. Artists and artisans created lavish jewelry, musical instruments, and gold daggers

Innovation & Change at Ur With the advances in technology, society became more advanced. Social structures within this society developed to reflect these changes. Institutions arose to support and to further these advances. Society forms and build upon the knowledge it gains adding to complexity and development of society over time.