Step 4: Evaluating Presbytery of the Inland Northwest Congregation Guiding Teams April 25, 2015 Step 4: Evaluating
Today’s Agenda 10:15 Where Are We? 10:45 Break 9:30 Dwelling in the Word 10:15 Where Are We? 10:45 Break 11:00 Introduction to Evaluating Experiments 11:15 Listening, Discerning, Experimenting 12:00 Lunch 1:00 What Are We Learning? 2:00 Guiding Team Next Steps 3:00 Next Steps
Dwelling in the Word Where did your imagination stop? Are there words, phrases, ideas that grasp you? How do you think the Spirit of God might be nudging you?
Guide Posts Cultivating new practices of local Christian life will give us fresh insights into God’s work in our neighborhood and local contexts, and will support the ministry and mission for our local church. To remember that God is already out ahead of us, active in our neighborhoods To always ask where I am being called to join with what God is up to in the neighborhood To have a strong desire to know and pay attention to the stories of the people in our neighborhood
Where Are We? Where is your team at? What have you found challenging? Rewarding?
Action Reflection
Overview of Reflection Framework: What we did? What worked well? What would we change? What are we learning?
Listening, Discerning, Experimenting What we did What worked What would we change
What are we learning? Listening Discerning Experimenting
Guiding Team Next Steps Proposed next steps we need to take Challenges we need to address to take next steps
Continue with Experiments Evaluate Experiments Next Meeting