2018 President Cheryl Keller 2018 Slated Recommended Candidates President Elect: Fiona Theseira Secretary: Eileen Oldroyd Treasurer: Rosanna Garcia Declared from the floor for Treasurer: Barbara Clemons
2018 President Cheryl Keller 2018 Slated Recommended Candidates Governor District 1: Michelle Perez Governor District 2: Melanie Akey Governor District 3: Denise Matthis
2018 President Cheryl Keller 2018 Slated Recommended Candidates District Vice Presidents District 1: Taffy Maurer, Wendy Gregorich, Christina Hood District 2: Pamela Storton and Sheryl Martinez District 3: Renee Edly, Adriana Nagel, Kaye Chapman, Debbie Rose