TNT – Targets and Trees Vince Urbina ISA Certified Arborist ISA Qualified Tree Risk Assessor
Cooling pedestrians and businesses since 1962 Downtown Grand Junction Cooling pedestrians and businesses since 1962
Cooling surfaces reduce heat island effect and prolongs life of asphalt
Trees create a comfortable and inviting environment
Tree $ Value City of Aspen Tree Inventories – Overall Value of City-owned trees 1993 – $3,273,919 1996 – $4,145,572 2006 – $15,353,565 2017 – $15,984,049 The Tree Value Formula We Use: ISA-RMC Tree Species Value X Basal Area X Species Factor X Condition Factor X Placement Factor = Tree Value
Largest Colorado Blue Spruce in City of Aspen Pioneer Park Tree $ Value Largest Colorado Blue Spruce in City of Aspen Pioneer Park Diameter at breast height = 37 inches Condition is Good Placement is Good Tree Value = $29,231
Tree $ Value Largest Tree on City of Aspen ROW Narrowleaf cottonwood Diameter at breast height = 53 inches Condition = Good Placement = Good Tree Value =$30,377
Right Tree - Right Spot - Right Reason LESSON: Well-maintained tree planted in a good location will increase in value as it ages. Right Tree - Right Spot - Right Reason
Tree Risk (def.) – the combination of the likelihood of an event and the severity of the potential consequences Tree Hazard (def.) – tree part idenfied as a likely source of harm
Locate and Identify Targets 1. People – always the first and most important target to identify 2. Property (infrastructure) – targets that occupy the area that may be affected by a tree or tree part failure 3. Activities – annual events, festivals, gatherings, play areas Targets (def.) – Are people, property, or activities that could be injured, damaged, or disrupted by a tree failure
Identify Target? For me Children are extremely important targets Children never look up and have no awareness of risk or danger
Identify Target?
Identify Target?
Identify Target? What is the message to the public here?
Identify Target? Where do people usually park?
Identify property?
Identify Property?
Identify Property?
Identify Property?
Identify Activity?
Identify Activity?
Identify Activity?
Identify Activity?
Identify Tree Parts That Could Impact a Target Pay Attention to: Dead trees or branches - You need to decide what branch size will define your acceptable or unacceptable level of risk. Broken and hanging branches in the tree crown. AKA: hangers Cracks in a branch, branch union or the main trunk ½
Dead Tree Target?
Dead Branches Target?
Previous Failures
Hanging Branches
Hanging Branches Need a Target to be High Risk
Branch Crack
Trunk Crack
Trunk Crack Owner Notified
Trunk Cracks
Other Tree Issues to Look Into Lean Codominant Trunk/Branches Lack of Trunk Taper Girdling Roots
Codominant Trunk
Girdling Root
How to Mitigate Risk Move the target (table, bench, artwork) Restrict (fence off) access or reroute traffic Prune out the problem tree part Install structural support to limit or eliminate risk Install a guying system or a prop to hold up branch As a last resort, remove the tree
Bracing with Prop
Removal Should Be Your Last Option
Target? Load on Tree Part and Strapping?
Where to go for Expert Help
International Society of Arboriculture Organization that promotes the professional practice of arboriculture through research, technology and education. There are more than 23,000 members throughout the world. Many members hold credentials and qualifications that acknowledge a special skill like tree risk assessment. These arborists understand the importance of their skill and are required to increase their expertise through continuing education. To find a Qualified Tree Risk Assessor (TRAQ) near you go to www.isa- arbor/findanarborist/findanarborist
American Society of Consulting Arborists Organization of consulting arborists who are authoritative experts on trees. Members are required to have extensive level of knowledge that ensures the safety, health and preservation of trees. Some of the services provided by consulting arborists include: diagnosis of tree and landscape problems; expert witness and litigation; forensic investigation; tree risk assessment and surveys. Many consulting arborists are also Qualified Tree Risk Assessors (TRAQ) To find a consulting arborist that is a Qualified Tree Risk Assessor (TRAQ) near you, go to
Questions? Vince Urbina 970-250-1923