Gandhis Apri Widhayanti General English African Lion Gandhis Apri Widhayanti XI-Science
SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATION Common Name : African Lion Kingdom : Animalia Order : Carnivora Phylum : Chordata Family : Felidae Class : Mammalia Genus Species : Panthera (Phanter,Leopard)
M a L e Description : At Maturity , exhibit blond to black manes Size : 1.7-2.5 m (5.5-8 ft), and 1.2 m (4 ft) Weight : 150-250 kg ( 330-550lb ) Sexual Maturity : 5 years
F E M A L E Weight :120-180 kg (265-395lb) Sexual Maturity : 4 years Size : 1.4-1.7 m (4.5-5.5 ft), and 1.06 m (3.5 ft) Weight :120-180 kg (265-395lb) The Female Lions called Lioness Sexual Maturity : 4 years
F O O D and L I F E Food : Antelopes Habitats : Grasslands Smaller Carnivores Semi-arid Plains Buffalo Young Elephants Giraffe
Reproduction and life cycle The cubs themselves are born blind—their eyes do not open until roughly a week after birth. They weigh 1.2–2.1 kg (2.6–4.6 lb) at birth and are almost helpless, beginning to crawl a day or two after birth and walking around three weeks of age. The average gestation period is around 110 days On average 2-4 cubs born
B E H A V I O R The tolerance of male lions towards the cubs varies. They are, however, generally more likely to share food with the cubs than with the lionesses Lioness in a burst of speed while hunting in the Serengeti While a lioness such as this has very sharp teeth, prey is usually killed by strangulation Head rubbing and licking are common social behaviors within a pride.
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