Thailand Pavilion B 06 Mae Fah Luang Foundation (under Royal Patronage) Panel Discussion Friday 10th Nov, 1-3 PM Community-based Forestry Management : a Step to Sustainable Reforestation and Forest Protection
Community-based Forestry Management : a Step to Sustainable Reforestation and Forest Protection Since the enactment of the Forest Protection Act in 1938, the Thai government has centralized the tasks of identification and protection of forest in Thailand. The degradation of forest area in the country from 53% to 32% over the course of 60 years proves that the implementation of such centralization approach is controvertible. Therefore, the Thai Government has introduced alternative approaches that allow communities to manage the forest with the rationale that the communities will protect the forest when they benefit from it. Both the Royal Forestry Department and the Department of National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation took the lead to facilitate the community-based approach. For the forest areas that are extremely denuded, the Royal Forestry Department allows engagement by non-profit organizations, such as the Mae Fah Luang Foundation, to implement development projects that would ensure alternative livelihood for the communities, along with reforestation through zoning the forest area, restoring parts of the forest, and building capacity for the communities to sustain such reforestation initiatives. This community-based approach has proven successful in stopping forest degradation in the area and sustainable reforestation, which exhibits a model for nation-wide mitigation effort. Moderator : Dr. Sandro Calvani (Senior Advisor to the Chairperson, Mae Fah Luang Foundation under Royal Patronage) Speakers : 1. Ms. Ratana Lakanawarakul, Manager of Forest and Climate Change Office, Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation 2. Mrs. Wilawan Wichiennopparat, Specialist on Community Forest Management, Royal Forestry Department 3. Ms. Sudarat Rojphongkasem, Senior Programme Manager, Mae Fah Luang Foundation Under Royal Patronage
- Community-based mechanisms in forestry management Topics for discussion - Community-based mechanisms in forestry management - The environmental impact of community-based forestry management - Community empowerment in successful field cases of forest protection PPP partnership in forest conservation - Raising awareness and building capacity for people residing in and around forest areas Before After