GLOBAL NUTRITION CLUSTER ANNUAL MEETING 22nd – 24th OCTOBER 2018 Meeting Objectives & Agenda
Meeting Objectives To share country experiences in GNC priority topics of the humanitarian- development nexus (HDN), preparedness and continuum of care in CMAM to identify key actions needed from GNC partners for progress and scale up. To examine country level experiences and global level programming initiatives on High Impact Nutrition Interventions (HINI), IYCF-E and Assessment, and explore practical actions for global partners and countries to address challenges to achieve scale. To review key updates on the implementation status of the GNC projects and other initiatives
Market Place Showcase of the Tech RRT mechanism – achievements, recent changes, and materials to share – Global Innovative tools developed by WFP for the management of nutrition information, namely m-VAM for Nutrition and SCOPE CODA – Global Substandard discharge rules in current CMAM protocols lead to hidden and varying proportions of erroneous “cured status – Global Community-based Management of At Risk Mothers and Infants (C-MAMI): Results from Save the Children’s pilot of C-MAMI in Bangladesh Humanitarian-Development Nutrition Programming and Convergence with C4D/SBCC and WASH in Myanmar Cost effectiveness of a simplified combined protocol for treating acute malnutrition recent scurvy outbreak in a refugee camp – Kenya video series on complementary feeding IMAM in Ethiopia- lessons learned from Govt/WFP approach to integrating MAM treatment into the Health Extension Programme under CMAM. SMARTplus- Global Enabling treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition in the Community: Study of a Simplified Algorithm and Tools in South Sudan - SS committed to nutrition a toolkit for action SAM scale up MAM scale up Assessments IYCF scale up MUAC-polio campaign Linkages between nutrition and FS - Yemen Missing topics : Juma Khudonazarov, Help Age, email: Christine Fernandes Whole of Syria Alternative RUTF recipes and height board innovations – Global A Community Health Worker Approach – West Bank, Palestine Nutrition Impact and Positive Practice (NIPP): an inherent multi-sectoral approach to malnutrition - Global Infant and Young Child Feeding in Refugee Situations: A Multi-Sectoral Framework for Action – Bangladesh Scaling UP Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (building capacity, tools and directions)
Chair of sessions Rapporteurs Focus on shaping a better future Think outside the box Use the past to inform the future Participate - speak, write and act ideas.. Keep time Have fun Chair of sessions Rapporteurs
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