Greek and Latin Root Review 1. bio 2. therm 3. scrib 4. flu 5. duct A. heat, temperature B. to flow C. to lead, take, bring D. life E. write
Greek and Latin Root Review 1. aud 2. rupt 3. ped 4. script 5. frag A. to write, writing B. break C. break, shatter D. foot E. sound
Greek and Latin Root Review 1. jud 2. sent 3. pel 4. spec 5. dict A. law, justice B. see, look C. to drive or force D. to speak E. feel, be aware
Greek and Latin Root Review 1. leg 2. stat 3. grad 4. sembl 5. mob A. step B. move C. stay, position D. law, choose, gather E. copy, to make