Figure 5. Histological observations of specimens retrieved at 8 weeks after surgery (positive control group, A; negative control group, B; experimental.


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Presentation transcript:

Figure 5. Histological observations of specimens retrieved at 8 weeks after surgery (positive control group, A; negative control group, B; experimental group, C-D) (H&E stain). (A) The periodontal ligament typically extended to the apical portions of the roots (original magnification ×40). (B) Large areas of replacement resorption and superficial resorption were observed. The periodontal ligament was completely replaced by bone (original magnification 40×). (C) Newly formed periodontal ligament (PDL)-like tissue formed between the root surface and new bone in the area coronal to the notch (original magnification 40×). (D) Spaces in the alveolar bone and root surface were filled with newly formed PDL-like tissue. Root surfaces exhibited new cementum-like tissue formation (original magnification 200×). Ab, alveolar bone; De, dentin; Ce, cementum; Pd, periodontal ligament; nCe, newly formed cementum-like tissue; nPd, newly formed periodontal ligament-like tissue; black asterisk, surface resorption; white asterisk, ankylosis (replacement resorption). Figure 5. Histological observations of specimens retrieved at 8 weeks after surgery (positive control group, A; negative control group, B; experimental group, C-D) (H&E stain). (A) The periodontal ligament typically extended to the apical portions of the roots (original magnification ×40). (B) Large areas of replacement resorption and superficial resorption were observed . . . J Periodontal Implant Sci. 2015 Jun;45(3):111-119.