Map and population demographic metadata of sample sites in New York City. Map and population demographic metadata of sample sites in New York City. Microbial swab samples were collected at automated teller machines (ATMs) in eight neighborhood tabulation areas (NTAs), representing three boroughs of New York City (Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn). NTA population demographics, representing 5-year estimates from the United States Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS) (2008 to 2012), were obtained from the NYC open data portal ( “ancestry” demographics represent write-in responses from a small subset of survey respondents, enabling respondents to report ethnic origins that are not otherwise captured in questions pertaining to race or foreign-born status in the ACS. Age data represent years. (Map data © 2016 Google.) Holly M. Bik et al. mSphere 2016; doi:10.1128/mSphere.00226-16