The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species IUCN Red List Categories.


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Presentation transcript:

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species IUCN Red List Categories

Red List Categories + _ Extinction Risk Threatened categories Extinct (EX) Extinct (EX) Extinct in the Wild (EW) Least Concern (LC) Data Deficient (DD) Adequate data All species The IUCN Categories Evaluated Not Evaluated (NE) Critically Endangered (CR) Vulnerable (VU) Endangered (EN) Near Threatened (NT) Possibly Extinct CR(PE) or CR(PEW)

Red List Categories There are various reasons for a species to change category: NON-GENUINE status change New information Taxonomic changes Incorrect data used previously Criteria revision (version 2.3 (1994) versus version 3.1 (2001)) Knowledge of the criteria GENUINE status change Changing Red List Category

Red List Categories Population Size Time LC NT VU EN CR Genuine deterioration in status: uplist to higher threat category immediately The Five Year Rule

Population Size NT VU EN CR Genuine improvement in status: downlist to lower threat category only when the higher category thresholds have not been met for FIVE years CR 5 years First assessment: CR CR thresholds no longer met Reassess and alter status appropriately Can reassess and update documentation, but category must remain as for first assessment : CR Time (yrs)