PHYSICS 1 Resonance Electrical Circuits Somnath Bharadwaj and Pratik Khastgir, Department of Physics and Meteorology, IIT Kharagpur, 721 302 India
Electrical Circuits
Average Power
Lorentzian Profile
Problem Choose R for critical damping What is the maximum power from a 10V source for R=2 Ohms?
Problem FWHM? Quality Factor Time Period T?
Log Decrement? =
Tacoma Narrows Bridge
Raman Effect E incident Antistokes Rayleigh Stokes Rayleigh scattering - same n Stokes scattering - less n Antistokes scattering - higher n
Benzene Modes Breathing mode
Benzene Modes C-H bending mode
Benzene Modes C-C stretching mode
Raman Spectra Spectra provided by Prof. Anushree Roy
Resonance Line FWHM? Quality Factor?
Other Examples Atomic Transitions Earth’s Atmosphere